scientific background

Need a skilled scientific English writer with experience
in publishing peer-reviewed articles? I've got you covered.

More than 12 years in the academic world have provided me with valuable experience in writing research articles, papers, essays, and theses. 

I have also co-authored scientific manuscripts and know how important a good first impression is. 

I currently hold two degrees in the natural sciences:

B.Sc. degree in Environmental and Conservation Sciences (bilingual: English and French) from the University of Alberta, Canada.

M.Sc. degree in International Nature Conservation (MINC) from the University of Göttingen, Germany, and Lincoln University, New Zealand.

Find me on LinkedIn and ResearchGate or browse through some of my writing contributions and published videos below to find out more.

Uni Goettingen Logo


Tree-ring analysis and caribou research in the Northwest Territories, Canada: “These Trees Have Stories to Tell”: Linking Dënesǫ́łıné Oral History of Caribou Use with Trample Scar Frequency on Black Spruce Roots at Ɂedacho Kué. Arctic. Available at:

Bird species monitoring in Papua, Indonesia: An annotated bird checklist for Gam Island, Raja Ampat, including field notes on species monitoring and conservation. Forest and Society. Available at:

Camera trapping on Barro Colorado Island, Panama: Prey tracking and predator avoidance in a Neotropical moist forest: a camera-trapping approach. Journal of Mammalogy. Available at: 

creative writing

I regularly publish blog articles on writing, academia, translation, and other topics. The posts are aimed at individuals who wish to improve their own writing, as well as fellow translators and editors.

“Ecology by the numbers”. ecoLinkNZ (blog) guest entry by Christina Stinn. Lincoln University, New Zealand. Available at:


Where no drone has gone before: A wildlife research project in northern Mongolia. Available at:

Make sure to turn the sound on—there’s an epic soundtrack that starts at 17 seconds!

Below is the same video in German: 

Forschen mit einer Drohne. Ein Wildtierprojekt im Norden der Mongolei. Available at:

Make sure to turn the sound on—there’s an epic soundtrack that starts at 17 seconds!

When I’m not translating, proofreading, or editing on my computer or collecting data in the field in remote parts of the world, you can find me hiking, traveling, or working on other projects in the great outdoors.

I also enjoy grabbing a good book and getting lost in the story. I try to turn off my proofreader mind then, but it still irks me when I come across any typos.