types of documents

Whether it's a job application, a piece of academic, business, or creative writing, I will help you submit a piece that you can be truly proud of.


Want to make a good first impression with the journal and reviewers?

Then your manuscript must be squeaky clean in terms of grammar, spelling, and punctuation, and be consistent in presentation and content. 

Just as important: It should also follow the conventions of scientific English, which apply to all scientific texts, regardless of the topic or subject area.

Whether you’re working on your first manuscript or have published before, you may find my free Writing Tips useful.

Ideally, you have already chosen the journal that is best suited for your research article based on the topic, research approach, and your paper’s relevance for the journal. 

At this stage, you will need to adapt your manuscript to fit the journal’s submission requirements.

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Every journal has its own formatting and style guidelines for manuscript submissions (e.g., manuscript length, UK vs. US English, referencing style). 

Knowing this information before you submit your final draft is key to ensuring that your contribution isn’t rejected immediately by the journal editor but passes on to the second stage: the reviewers.

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If you would like me to make sure that your manuscript checks all the right boxes, simply send me the journal’s author guidelines along with your completed manuscript and type of service you require. 

You can also just let me know which journal you plan to submit your manuscript to, and I will find those guidelines for you.


You are almost there. You can practically feel your graduation certificate in your hands. 

All you need to do is to hand in a killer thesis or dissertation, which you have spent weeks, months, or even years on.

Let me help you polish your work before you submit it.

If you are unsure about the quality of your academic English writing, then my editing service is probably the way to go for you.

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Having a thesis or dissertation proofread is usually acceptable to and often even recommended by universities and institutions, especially if your first language is not English. 

However, you should always check with your supervisor before hiring a professional proofreader or editor. Read my full article on the ethics of hiring an academic editor for your thesis.

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Feel free to check out my practical Writing Tips to see how you can self-edit your work. The more you improve your thesis/dissertation before you send it to me for proofreading or editing, the less time I spend on correcting it (and the less you pay).

Remember to let me know you are a student (Bachelor’s, Master’s or PhD level) when you request a quote to receive 25% off!

If you have a style guide supplied by your university, department, or supervisor, feel free to pass it along before I begin proofreading or editing your thesis/dissertation. 

Don’t worry if you don’t have one—I will make sure to adapt your text to the style you have already predominantly applied to your thesis/dissertation (e.g., British vs. American English, referencing style, title case, cursive vs. regular font, etc.) and will create a style sheet for you (included in my proofreading and editing services). 

Important disclaimer about my editing service for students:

1. I do not provide any ghostwriting, rewriting, or developmental editing services for academic texts. The work that you submit to your institution in the end must be your own. I will of course do everything I can to improve any work you have already done, but I cannot edit something that is not there.

2. If I come across incomplete sentences or paragraphs, I will flag them and provide suggestions in the comments if I can guess what you intended to express. If a segment makes no sense, I will also flag it and be happy to check it again once you’ve revised it.

3. I do not provide any plagiarism checks, but I may flag sentences that appear to be missing a source or attribution.

You can find more information in my Terms and Conditions for Students and Academics and in my article “Is hiring an academic editor for your thesis unethical?”


There it is: your dream job.

Whether you’ve already sent out dozens of applications or none at all: Putting yourself out there can be quite daunting.

You don’t want to come across as arrogant, but you do need to show the hiring manager that you are the right person for the job

How do you strike the right balance between sounding confident yet not coming across as arrogant or aloof?

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First impressions are gold: Most recruiters spend less than 10 seconds on average looking at a resume. This is all they need to decide whether the candidate is worth considering for the job—or not.

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Or maybe you’ve never written a cover letter in English before. Perhaps the company you want to send your application to is not in your home country, and you have no idea what the local conventions are for applications.

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The layout and format of CVs/resumes can vary widely between different readerships. In Germany, for instance, you should provide a profile picture and personal information such as your marital status, date and place of birth, and nationality in your CV. 

In the U.S., UK, and Canada, you should never do this unless specifically requested by the company.

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Whichever job you’re applying for and wherever the hiring manager may be sitting: Your application must be tailored to the position you’re applying for.

Hiring managers quickly realize when a cover letter is a simple copy-and-paste job. They want you to show genuine interest in working for their company, so you need to put in a little effort for each application.

I can help you make your application stand out and will provide useful comments and suggestions that can also help you in future applications.

What I will need from you:

  • Job advertisement and job description
  • Your CV/resume
  • Your cover letter
  • Any additional information you believe would be useful for me to help you submit an application that truly pops.


I know how hard it can be to find just the right words to express what you are really trying to say. There are countless ways to put an idea on paper, but which one is the best?

You can stop agonizing and let me handle it. I can fine-tune your work by weeding out clunky sentence structures, improving on word choices, and adapting the writing style for the intended readership.

I edit and proofread a wide variety of texts in the realms of business, fiction, and non-fiction:

  • magazine articles
  • websites and blog articles
  • novels and short stories
  • transcripts
  • newsletters, marketing materials, and promotional content

Let’s discuss how I can help you improve your project!